Shitake Mushroom Announcement

Can be found growing in the wild, or cultivated using logs and sawdust...

Is commonly dried while retaining great flavor...

Widely regarded for its health and medicinal abilities...

First cultivated by Wu San Kwung during the Sung Dynasty in the year 960...

A tasty, succulent fungi that retains its size and texture when cooked...

The theme ingredient for the second ever Iron Chef Dinner Party is:


Those of you who have risen to the challenge have the next 24 hours to construct one or more dishes that most complement the taste of the Shitake Mushroom. You may use any resources at your disposal. Shitakes are available in many forms at most supermarkets or farmer's markets.

Remember, all types of dishes may be entered: appetizers, entrees, and desserts. You may enter more than one dish; each will be judged separately. However, one dish may be entered with multiple components, such as a main dish with associated dipping sauce.

Judging will be in the tradition of the Iron Chef, with each dish scored out of a possible 20 points. 10 points for the taste of the dish, 5 points for creativity, and 5 points for presentation. All dishes may be judged by all partygoers, but a dish must receive at least a minimum number of votes to be considered for a prize.

The party will begin in the vicinity of 7PM. Tasting will occur for several hours, by all partygoers.

** You must arrive with your dish fully prepared -- kitchen facilities will only be available for reheating and final prep work. (You may arrive as early as 5:30 should your dish require additional work time.)**

Judging will be continuous by partygoers, but all dishes for consideration MUST arive before 9PM (for photographing and documenting). Winners will announced thereafter. Prizes will be awarded for the top three dishes.

*** NEW - Web Site and Mailing List *** We have recently claimed It is hoped that photographs (and perhaps recipes) of dishes will be published soon after the party, as well as select photos from the previous party. Also, the ironchefdinnerparty yahoogroup ( has been claimed. Please feel free to sign up for discussions and announcements of future parties.

We wish you all the best of luck and will see you tomorrow night!

"Allez Cuisine!"